Sould Branding


How does your brand sound?

An original and unique sound identity can provide a brand with a lasting presence on different communication platforms for many years, consolidating a strong brand value.


We turn Experiences
into Solutions

The strategic use of sound to positively differentiate a brand, increase brand recall, create preference, build trust, and increase sales is known as Audio Branding (also called sound branding, sonic branding or sound branding)

Why is the music of a brand important?

Music is a powerful medium that can bring to life the emotional qualities of products and services and help activate a brand promise.

We turn your imagination into reality

Now more than ever, brands need to express themselves in a multi-sensory way and achieve brand consistency across all channels. They must take control of their sound expressions, often obtained from different sources or just for a specific campaign.

Our Audio Branding Services

Sound Environment

Audio Logo

Corporate Song

Content for Telephone Exchanges

Musical curtain

Piped music

Commercial Jingles

Music for Film

Music for Theater

Audio Branding Packs

Show for Corporate Events


Who is sounding?

All brands sound and every day through more channels. Some are aware of it, others don’t seem to. There are brands that take the influence that sound creates on their touchpoints very seriously.
Let’s listen to some illustrative examples:

A mark is a footprint. It is a memory and therefore a meaning that passes directly through the heart


Behind SouldBranding

We are a team of interdisciplinary artists who generate content and musical experiences for different platforms.

In the new digital, mobile and multimedia era, sound plays a fundamental role in the expression and communication of brands.
More than 50 artists in portfolio from different countries make up our team, allowing us to generate all kinds of musical and audiovisual content.
10 bands are part of the wide range of options, which go through different genres and styles.

The vast experience of the musicians and artists that make up SouldBranding provides the necessary confidence to adapt it to different projects.